Saturday, September 8, 2007

Saturday night!!

What is Saturday night like at your house?
Oh, boy!!!!
Here are the things we have to get done:
  1. clean up
  2. give everyone a bath
  3. make our lunch
  4. pack the cooler
  5. get the diaper bag ready
  6. get everybody's clothes picked out and ironed
  7. and put sleepy heads to bed!!!!!

It is hard!!!!!!! ;0

Posted by "Neva"


Mrs. Anna T said...

Hi Hannah and Geneva! Glad to be introduced to your blog. :)

Hannah said...

Thank you Anna, for visiting our blog!!! I hope you enjoyed it and visit again soon!! :) =]

In Christ,

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

It's similar to that at our house on Saturdays too! :)