Kellihad a wonderful idea for a show and tell, and so I thought I'd join in the fun!

This poncho was crocheted by my wonderful mother about three years ago. It is made to wear in the fall and early winter and is very comfortable. I love the colors and pattern, and I am so thankful for the creative person the Lord gave me who made it! I have truly been blessed!

I finished making this scarf and matching hat a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to my very talented and creative mother, I learned enough to where I didn't have to use a pattern, but simply created it as I went! They are very cozy and I can't wait until it's cold enough to wear them! :)

Also, a dear friend of mine, Emily Clements, gave me this adorable purse that matches perfectly! I will try to bring it along with me everywhere I go!! ;) =]
Thank you all for reading my short little story! Hope you enjoyed the pictures! :)
I love your poncho!
I remember when I had a crocheted poncho on varigated yarn back in the 1970's. I about wore that thing out! I loved it.
Thanks for sharing.
Those are so pretty...I love the colors!
You are very talented in the crocheting department. Those are very fall looking, cant wait to see more
I did! I did enjoy the pictures!!! The poncho, the hat and scarf....all of it!!
Very nice items. They look so warm and cozy.
I love all your hand made treasures! Blessings...
Thank you to everyone who has left a comment or visited our blog!! I hope you enjoyed it and will visit again soon!!
To all of those who commented on the poncho, yes, I do have a very wonderful mother and I'm so blessed to know her!!
Again, thank you for visiting! (and we greatly enjoy reading all of your comments!)
In Christ,
I'm so happy that you decided to participate!!!! That is so awesome! :) Your mom is very talented! And so are you!! Wow-I can't crochet anything without a pattern (and can barely with a pattern haha). You definitely have a gift! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! I'm sure you could learn easily. Most of the time it only looks complicated. :)
I loved your stuff! It was really neat!
Very pretty--did your mom have a pattern for the poncho? It is really nice and I would like to tell my daughter about it.
Is the purse lined?
nice job on the hat and scarf also!
That poncho is just gorgeous, you certainly do have a very talented mother:-) Also love the hat, scarf and will look so very chic while wearing it all!! xo
Thanks for the encouragement! :)
Thanks for your comments about my stuff. :) Isn't this fun? I can't wait until next Friday. :)
It's a wonderful talent to be able to crochet. I never learned, but my grandmother was always working on some crocheted project, and crocheted things make me think of her. All of your crocheted things here are both lovely and useful -- isn't it nice when useful things can also be beautiful?
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
Thank you for commenting! The pattern for the poncho was actually a free online pattern! And yes, the purse is lined. :)
Thank you for all the compliments! I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me this talent, and pray that I can glorify Him in all that I do!!
Yes, it is fun!! I can't wait until next Friday!
Barbara H,
It is a great thing to be able to crochet! I enjoy doing it so much, and its very helpful most of the time too!!
Thanks to everyone and I hope you have aa wonderful weekend!
~Hannah M.~
Oops! *a :)
Love this Show and Tell! As you already know I'm a huge crochet lover too. :)
I do too! Its such a great way to get to know people a little more and also so fun! Crochet is really great too!
Welcome to show and tell friday!! Your crocheted items are beautiful! I love the colors and I'm sure they keep you nice and warm!
Hey, guys, is that the purse I gave you?! I think it is!! ;) It look's adorable!! I'm sorry I didn't sew pretty things on it, I'm really bad at sewing!! LOL!
Sincerely, Milie Arie Fenrir
P.S. Later Tater!!
call soon!!
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