Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Family: The Characters Of The Morsel Clan...

All I have to say is... Enjoy! :)
Mr. Morse…
…who is also known as the “Ruthless Game Player” (RGP), greatly enjoys reading old and new books alike, teasing around with his band of jolly children, playing with his huge, very manly, metal-bending toys, and loving his beautiful wife. If searching for him on a Sunday afternoon, the most likely place to find him would be lying on the sofa in the den downstairs, attempting to nap, read, and watch a football game all at the same time (something that he flatters himself that he can do very well…). One of his favorite nicknames is the “Hero Weirdo”, and if you would like to know where this humorous name came from, you will probably get the most satisfying answer from…
Mrs. Morse…
… who is the greatest mother in the world (or so her happy group of nine children think), and she absolutely loves old, Victorian houses, listening to classical music, teaching her children, and most importantly, talking to and laughing along with, her wonderful husband. When searching for her on rainy days, unless she is busy elsewhere, she can probably be found watching her favorite movie, “Sense & Sensibility” while crocheting. She always must have some type of chocolate dessert in the house, whether it be chocolate chip cookies, or a Hershey’s chocolate bar; and she lovingly shares this chocolate craving with all of her children…
… the dark -haired, dark-eyed, fifteen year old of the bunch. This young lady has traits that are from both of her parents; such as her creative sense of humor from her father, and her love of old-fashioned, vintage things from her mother. She loves to read stories such as the Elsie Dinsmore series, enjoys watching old musicals, and absolutely adores her six sweet kitties. When the sun is out and the weather warm, you might possibly find her outside, taking photos of her younger siblings, singing songs to herself, or writing secretively in her sage green journal, dreaming of her little yellow house in the woods.

… the oldest son & brother of the family. This young man is the one who is the closest resemblance of his father in almost everything. He loves to read, and always has his nose stuck in something or other. At night he shares his bed with his darling beagle, Little Ann, and is always most protective of her. He has followed in his father’s footsteps, keeping and breeding geckos and snakes, and hopes to soon start with dogs. He loves to tackle around with his also rambunctious brothers, and dreams of someday taking over the family business; making things with metal..

… the bright-eyed, perky young girl who has always wanted to live in a huge log house. She loves to read as well, a trait you will probably find in almost everyone in the Morsel Clan. She is always tagging around with her father and brothers, and really loves to explore woods and forests. When searching for her on a sunny day, you will either find her playing a game of house with her younger sisters, drawing, or even playing football with the boys. She has always been the little “tom-boy” of the family, but no matter what, still enjoys wearing skirts and cooking a batch of brownies.

… the little laughing red-head of the family. Even though he is, he absolutely hates to be called “cute”. He has always loved birds, and owns two “Pocket Parrots” that live in his bedroom. He’s small, but don’t underestimate this young man. He flatters himself that he can tackle his big brother and beat him any day. He loves to play outside, whether that be with his gentle tempered, blue-eyed dog, work on his fort, or play war with his friends. All of his life he has dreamed of having a horse, and is determined to own one soon.

Emily & Katie…
… these sweet little girls simply adore their daddy. They claim that when they grow up, they are never going to get married and leave, but instead, that they are going to stay home with mamma and daddy forever. Ever since they were born, they have been a joy to all. Even if they weren’t twins, they would probably still be just as close. They love to tease people about who is who, and think it is so funny when people get confused. The Little House on the Prairie series is their all-time favorite, and they love to play dress-up.

… the mechanic of the family. This little boy has designed so many machines and such, that you couldn’t believe it. Even at the age of six, he can read, write, and spell as good as any other eight year old. He loves race cars, guns, and battleships, and wants to learn to drive an army truck. On any day at any time, you could probably find him sitting at the long, kitchen table, with a very thoughtful look on his face, crayons in his hands, drawing and coloring all sorts of things.

… the one who never stops.. Anything. He has more energy than all of his brothers put together, and is always on the go. When he isn’t playing outside, watching a cartoon, or wrestling with his brothers, he might be coloring, or maybe even napping.. (but that doesn’t happen very often..). He loves to go to the workshop with his daddy, and can almost always be seen trying to act just like his brother Corban. He loves to play race cars with the younger boys, and he is very competitive.

Stephen Jacob…
… otherwise known as “Jake”. This young three-year-old has always been just too sweet. (maybe a little more than is good for him…) J He absolutely loves his brothers, and especially enjoys playing “Crocodile Hunter” with Corban & Benjamin. His siblings fight every night as to who he will sleep with, and once the choice is made, he is quick to reply that “I will ‘leep wit’ you tomora’ night.” Even though he is the youngest, he simply can’t wait for the new baby brother to be born, and loves to think of himself as a soon-to-be…. BIG BROTHER!
So, there you have it. The Cast & Crew of the lovable family of eleven… (almost twelve!!)
(Written By: Hannah)


Everly Pleasant said...

Wow, I didn't remember that your family was bigger than mine! What an accomplishment. ;) You are one and a half kids ahead of us! To read about my family, visit

I loved this post!

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

I LOVED this, Hannah! Haleigh and Logan were so right about how awesome this was!! :) I so enjoyed reading it, and think I will do one on my blog. Even though we're sadly not even half the size of your family, I think it'll be fun and a great way for people to get to know us better.

I love what you said about the twins: "They claim that when they grow up, they are never going to get married and leave, but instead, that they are going to stay home with mamma and daddy forever." That is so sweet. :) Too often today, females think they have to leave as soon as they turn 18 and can't way to be "independent". This is sad! So, I was delighted to read what you wrote about your precious little sisters. :)

This was one of my favorite posts on your blog! :)

By the way, I discovered that your mom and I are quite alike! Which was a blessing, because I really, really look up to your Mom!!

Your friend,

Bekah (a.k.a. Meg)