Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yet Another Fun Adventure!

On Saturday, our dear Daddy-O took some of us on a hike. We all miss our beautiful mountain in McMinnville, and all of the great hikes we would take. And now, since it is, (or WAS, as it seems) getting warmer, we have been out on many a fine day hiking these past few weeks.

I was very excited when I snapped this picture. ^ Isn't it neat?

Daddy was showing us what Poison Ivy looks like... :)

What are some fun hobbies that you and your family enjoy doing together?


Everly Pleasant said...

Those pictures are great, especially the last one!

Hannah said...

Thank you Everly!


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

I really loved the pic of that bird and the one of the tree! Those looked so cool.

Thanks for adding these pics-it's always so much fun to get little glimpses into your family life! :)

I love hiking, too! You're able to see so much of God's beautiful creation!

We enjoy playing games together, going to baseball games, taking vacations together, etc. :)

I just love the new look of your blog; and how awesome to have that verse in your header!! :) What a testimony to God's truth.

Your friend always,
Miss Rebekah