Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random Rambles...

Hey, I'm back... again. But this time I have a REAL excuse. Our internet has been down for a while, hence no posts here on my little "Pickwick Portfolio"...
So, just to give ya'll something to look at, here are some photos....

Aww, don't you just want to sqeeze his little cheeks?! ;)

(ok, maybe I'm a little weird, but I'm a big sis. What do you expect?)Me & my pal watching...

Can you guess? :)


Our family took a nice hiking trip on.... um.... last Friday, I think?


Spencer is just like dad, very adventurous....

(this is what he looked like after he landed..)

I thought this tree was kinda interesting...


..So, what have you all been up to? You know, ya'll have to be keeping up too. Last time I counted, my comment box read: "0 darling little comments".... :)

1 comment:

Everly Pleasant said...

I can guess!
"The Sound of Music"?
And the pictures are great! I especially like the last one. Y'all seem to hike a lot...that's nice.