Friday, April 9, 2010

Real Life...

Oh my. I seem to have gotten off to a bad start. :O oops! Sorry 'bout that y'all. I would tell you why, but whatever for? anyway... I wouldn't want everyone to think I was lazy... :)
but here is the photo for this week:
memories anyone??

See my exspression? why must it always be ME....?? :)

toodles y'all...

~hannah~ :D


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Aw, that's a great picture! Is that when ya'll went bowling that Thursday? I wish I could have gone, but I'm so glad you had a good time! :)

Oh, and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! Actually, that header was made for me by a really sweet 13 year old girl who reads my blog. I had really been wanting a new header (but had never said anything on my blog about that), and then out of the blue, I get an e-mail one day from this really sweet girl saying that she had made me a header. It was totally a God thing! :)

Love you,

Hannah said...

wow! Where did that pic come from? I have never seen it! Will "anyone" get mad at you for posting it? :) jk.


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

So, are you for sure going to Logan and Haleigh's concert tomorrow night? We hopefully will, but Daddy hasn't given a for sure answer yet......

Hope to see you there!

Hannah said...

Hey Bekah!
Well, Mother-dear said it is a huge possibility that we may go. I really hope we can! I think it would be fun if we both went and sat together. :)
It may be that only a few of us (say mom and Spencer, Neva, and I) go instead, but we'll see.

Let me know what y'all decide! :)

Luv ya!


Erin said...

Hey Hannah, sorry i havent posted in a while just been really busy with school. It is finally almost summer! I can not wait. What are you and your familys summer plans? Oh, i saw Jake lost his two front teeth on Neva's site. He is getting so big and so is Creed. Well i have to go so text me sometime that is usually the best way to reach me.

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Hi, Hannah! Well, unfortunately, I won't be able to make it after all. :( Daddy has to work today and hasn't been getting much sleep lately (he's had to work longer hours for some time now). So, it's just not going to work out.

I'm sorry! It would have been so fun to sit together!! I hope you have a great time! You'll have to tell me all about it. :)

Love ya,

Hannah said...

Um.... hannah.... where are you? :0 jk.


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Hey, girl! The guys and girls at church should definitely get together again. Do you think maybe we could all have a game day after the May fellowship meal?? Just a thought! :)

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Hey, girl! Geneva just told me that ya'll are going to Lake Winnie for the CSTHEA homeschool day. So are we! The Hargraves are going to, of course. I wonder who else will be there? We'll have to meet up! That would be fun. :)


Haleigh said...

Why must I always look like I'm posing? :) I'm not really...but it looks like it doesn't it? :) I'm all turned sideways with my hand behind my back and everything! lol Too bad...


Hannah said...

Aww, Haleigh you look pefectly fine! :) But I understand the way you feel; with me its always having my eyes closed, or not looking, etc. ;)
