Sunday, August 22, 2010

LOVE this kiddo :)

...G.M.? Haha- um... yes. She did take this picture. As well as several others I just might post...

Isn't he adora-er, I mean handsome? :)


Hannah said...

You're right, I DID take that picture... I'm watching you...:)


Everly Pleasant said...

Go to my blog immediately!!!


Hannah said...

Hannah you are. So funny sometimes but i still love you. Eveven if katie does not. Well got to go bye. Emily morse.

Everly Pleasant said...

Um, so I told you I would mail the book mark yesterday.
Well, newsflash Everly! That was labor day! And so they are in the box now, but we are under flash flood/tornado watches, so who knows if the mail will come pick it up! Anyway, I am doing my part to get it to you asap!
