Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yes, I'm sure you all are thinking that this post, assuming from the title, is meant to announce a new Morsel's arrival. But no. We have yet to meet this young man; and instead, this post is about some darling little outdoor babies. Isaac has found a new hobby, talking to and taking care of two little families of birds living in our backyard. He checks on them everyday, and just this morning told us that one more egg hatched from "Nora's" nest. (the picture was taken yesterday, and yes, he named the mamma and daddy birds.) :) He really begged me to take a picture, and seeing as it was of babies, I couldn't resist. :)
I wil be sure to let everyone know when WE have a new little one, but for now, all I have to say is have a good week!
Oh, and Isaac wanted me to make sure that you all know that even though the picture makes them look bigger, those baby birds are really only about as big as a penny!


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Oh my goodness! How tiny and sweet!! :) And what fun for Isaac! I just love little nests and baby birds! :)

When we were at my great-grandmother's house in Indiana a year ago this May, we were able to see-up close and personal-the nest of a family of robins!! :) It was in a tree right outside her window above the kitchen sink, and when the mother bird would come with food, we would see the tiny little gaping mouths of the hungry baby birdies! :) It was SO sweet!! :)

Thanks for sharing this news with us! I REALLY enjoyed the pic and story! :)

Please post more pics as they grow! I would love to see them!

Your friend,

Haleigh Poe said...

Awwww! They are so cute! We actually have a bluebird nest we've been observing lately. They were so adorable as eggs. They were the most beautiful shade of blue ever! Now hatched, they grow faster than you would think. Now we have to check on them every day or we'll miss a stage in their development! What a sweet little blessing that the Lord has given us by letting us observe his lovely and amazing creation.

Till next time,your sister,

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Amy, it's so great to have you back!! :)

Your mom was telling me about those eggs! :) How sweet; I wish I could see the baby birds. That's so awesome! What a beautiful, precious part of God's creation indeed!

Hannah said...

Amy & Meg,

Yes, the Lord was very wonderful in giving us such a beautiful creation! Isn't it marvelous watching these little creatures grow? How neat Meg, to have seen them that close! And Amy, don't you love seeing them develope into beautiful birds!

Glad to see you back Amy!


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Yes, it was SO neat! :) It was a great experience. We're going up there again next month-maybe we'll see some more if that nest is still there! :)


Kelsey said...

Hi everyone, we usually have a bluebirds nest in our bird box.I love baby birds.

Amy, nice to have you back.


Hannah said...

Hello Beth deary! I don't think I've ever seen a baby bluebird. I'm sure they are simply precious!


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

I don't think I have either. We see adult ones come to our feeder, of course, but I've never seen the babies or the eggs.

That's really neat, Beth!

By the way, gals, go to my blog and read the comments section of my post on "How did you find me?" I'm meeting some really interesting people!


Hannah said...

Meg, yes I know! I was reading them the other night. How neat!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Yes, it is neat! But then I feel so stressed out, because I feel that it's up to me to bring some of these people to the truth(such as the atheist and the Catholic who doesn't believe the Bible should be interpreted literally). There's so much I want to share with them! It's quite a blessed opportunity though, too! :) It's such a comfort and encouragement to know Who it is that changes the hearts of people. As your dad has said, it's just my job to throw the Word and leave it all up to Him. It's sometimes so hard for me just to rest in that truth, because I so often, in my humanness, feel like if I just had the right argument, people would see the light! I constantly need to be reminded of Who's in control!

See you tomorrow!! :)
