Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Praise the Lord!!

...For our little Creed O'Brien Morse.
On Tuesday May 5th, Geneva recieved a very special birthday gift. Arriving at 4:27 in the afternoon, a sweet little 9 pound 9 oz. boy came into Morsel family. He is 20 1/2 inches long, and every part of him prooves that he is a Morse boy. One of the first things that the nurses said was "My, look at those huge hands and feet!" :)
We are very thankful that everything went smoothly, and that both Mother-dear and our little Creed are safe and sound. We have been SO blessed to welcome him into our family!!...
..Each and everyone of us... :)

..Mother-Dearest & the sweet little Creed..

..Daddy lovin' on his sixth son, our Creed...

..We are very glad the our grandmother "Meemaw" was able to be there with us, and she is such a big help here at home! the photo says...

..Spencer loving this time with Creed...

..Neva holding the most precious birthday present ever...

...Isaac loving on his (as he hopes) new little red headed bro...

.. Emily showing off her big sister-ness...

...and as always Katie does everything the same way...

..Corban is getting to be a pro at handling little brothers...

.. Obviously Benjamin couldn't be any more excited....
.. Jake loves his new little brother, and sees himself as a "big boy" now...

...and last but not least, the chunky little man himself. (Mother-dearest says that he is the biggest baby she's had yet!)

Again, praise the Lord!!! And thanks to everyone who has prayed for us, we really appreciate that!

Hope that ya'll enjoy these pictures, and sorry that it has taken so long for me to post them. Let's just say that I might not be posting for a while... :)



And this time, I WAS the first Morse kid to hold him! ;)


Autumn said...


So happy for you all! :D

He looks SO cute! ;)


Everly Pleasant said...

That's so exciting, everyone looks so happy and Creed is just beautiful.

Lydia said...

Congratulations Hannah! Babies are such wonderful blessings!!! Enjoy your darling brother!


Hannah said...

Thank you all! Yes, they are all such blessings, and we cherish every moment with him! :)


Alyssa Scott said...

AWWWWWW!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! I can't wait to see him in person!!!! And I love his name!!!

ali said...

awWW!!!!!!!!! how cute! can't wait to meet him!! :)

Kelsey said...

Hi Hannah, Creed is so cute. I loved holding him at the hospital. Hope to see you Sunday.

Sara Morse said...

Thats great! I really hope we can see him sometime this summer. We're praying for all you as you enjoy little Creed.

geneva morse said...

Hey uncle Kevin!! He hopes o see you soon too!!!How are ya'll do'in? Well, see ya!!

Your fav. niece,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new baby! He is so sweet. I know that you all are a great help to your mom with the new baby.


Amber said...

Congratulations! Such a sweet little blessing! I'm so happy for you as I'm sure you will be wonderful sisters to little Creed. Tell your mom I said "Hi! and that I'm so happy to be able to keep up with you all on here!" Hope you have a wonderful Lord's day tomorrow!